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VIP Speaker Reception

Thursday, July 18th

6pm Start | 7pm Briefing

Joel B. Garzoli Fine Art
706 Sansome Street
San Francisco, CA



You are cordially invited to join the speakers, sponsors, and

press for an evening of conversation, premium wines, 

and 19th and 20th century American Art.


This is your chance to connect with your fellow 

 speakers, VIPs, and other luminaries

in an elegant setting. 


6pm Start

7pm Briefing



Ken Fromm, BuildETH

Jodee Rich, NFT.NYC


Please RSVP here









Stylish dress.

Private event for speakers, sponsors, and press.



Ken Fromm, 415.710.6600

Jodee Rich, 646.280.9355




Wine Selection

Sauvignon Blanc, Marlborough NZ

Pinot Noir, Marlborough NZ

Cabernet Franc, Bourgueil, France

Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot, Bordeaux, France

(with heavy appetizers)



Art Selection

Joel B. Garzoli Fine Art is one of the premier galleries in the world for

19th & early 20th Century American paintings and has featured

many of the top California painters in this genre.


Celebrated artists include Thomas Hill, Charles Davis,

Raymond Yelland, Giuseppe Cadenasso, Selden Connor Gile,

Jules Pages, Joseph Raphael, and Albert Bierstadt.





Albert Bierstadt (1830-1902)
Lake Tahoe circa 1872 

Thomas Hill (1829-1908)
Mt. Hood Erupting 1865


Selden Connor Gile (1877-1947)
Corte Madera Creek, Larkspur 1913 

Albert Bierstadt (1830-1902)
Clouds Over California circa 1872


Raymond Yelland (1848-1900)

The Golden Gate, Looking In, 1880

Possibly the most important scene ever painted

of The Golden Gate.

No relation to Fromm Vineyards.

Just like the label and the wines.

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