Speaker Information
Mission Bay Conference Center
William J. Rutter Center
1675 Owens Street
view map​
Thursday, July 18, 2019
VIP Event: 6pm start | 7pm briefing
Friday, July 19, 2019
Program: 9:00am – 5:30pm PDT
Setup: 7:00am – 9:00am
Teardown: 5:30pm – 6:00pm
Break (AM): 10:30 – 11:00am
Lunch: 12:30 – 1:00pm
Break (PM): 3:00 – 3:30pm
Job Skills/Recruiting Period: 3:30 – 4:00pm
Happy Hour: 5:30pm (no host/offsite)
Network: UCSFGuest
Password: no password
view floor plan (mainstage, workshops, roundtables)
view floor plan (expert session)
Mainstage – Non-commercial talks of broad interest to Ethereum developers. Talks should be educational. Please avoid product pitches and stick to the allotted time. Reserve questions for a round table or take them offline after your talk.
IMPORTANT: Upload your mainstage deck here.
There will be a podium and countdown timer. Please abide the time as you'll be taking away from the next talk.
Workshops – Sponsored workshops on cool tech. 25-30min except for the last session. Projector and screen with two (2) microphones. No need to provide a deck in advance as you'll just plug in your laptop and drive on your own. Attendees will likely range from beginners to experts.
Expert Sessions – Deep dive instruction or discussions. Talks can be instructional or you can lead discussions/debates. We're expecting these to attract advanced developers so feel free to go deep from the start.
Round Tables – Small group discussions to connect with speakers or discuss less narrower subjects. Afternoon sessions, 4 tables at a time. 8-10 at a table but others can pull up chairs or stand around. It's a chance for attendees to meet with you so please make them feel welcome.
To Do
This Evening
1. Familiarize yourself with the conference and agenda. (Note that many speakers will also have round table sessions.)
2. Upload your presentation ASAP. Upload it here.
3. Bring your presentation on a USB drive to provide to the AV team well in advance of you talk. (Plugging in the USB onstage or, god forbid, a laptop are less desired options.)
At the Event
1. Pick up your pre-printed badge at the front desk. (All speakers will be pre-registered; no need to register.)
2. Check in far in advance of your presentation. For mainstage, check in with speaker coordinators just inside the conference room at the break before your session (if not at the beginning of the day).
3. There will be a speaker table in the community room but feel free to post up at any of the other tables (except during the round table sessions).
4. Please make the attendees feel welcome and help us support learning, sharing of knowledge, and collaboration.
Presentation Formats
Please prepare slide presentations for
expert sessions
(no presentations needed for roundtables, panels, or conversations except for the DAO session)
Screen Format: 16x9
File Format: pdf
Presentation Serving Order (Mainstage)
1. AV Techs serves your uploaded version which you drive from the podium. (If you haven't provided it in the days prior, please make nice with the AV folks and give it to them on a USB device well prior to your talk.)
2. If AV doesn't load it, plug in a USB thumb drive in the podium in the shared laptop and drive from there.
3. If that fails, plug in your laptop. (should be last option)
If you would like to include BuildETH branding on the front slide, logos can be found at www.buildeth.io/media
Presentation Tips
Go deep (no "blockchain is great"handwaving)
Provide context ("we are here")
Don't pitch on the mainstage
Include architectural diagrams, stack diagrams, workflows, graphs, and other content-heavy diagrams
Have a good narrative and/or a strong point of view
Go in depth with your examples
If you have too many stock photos, you may want to revisit your content and go deeper.