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Sponsor Information


Mission Bay Conference Center

William J. Rutter Center

1675 Owens Street


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Thursday, July 18, 2019

VIP Event    6pm start | 7pm briefing



Friday, July 19, 2019


Program:      9:00am – 5:30pm PDT


Setup:           7:00am – 9:00am 

Teardown:    5:30pm – 6:00pm


Break (AM):  10:30 – 11:00am

Lunch:           12:30 – 1:00pm

Break (PM):      3:00 – 3:30pm


Job Skills/Recruiting Period: 3:30 – 4:00pm


Happy Hour:  5:30pm (no host/offsite)


Sponsor Tickets

You should have received a promotional code that starts with "VIP_" and has your company name in it. Please contact us at if you did not.

To Do

1. Confirm we have the correct logo, company spelling, speakers names, and talk descriptions at


2. Confirm we have a hi-res logo for the print materials (popup banners, etc.). If in doubt, please send/resend to


3. Tables

  • Let us know if you do not want a table (we are assuming you do want one)

  • Let us know if you do need a tablecloth (we are assuming you have your own)

  • Bring a powerstrip and extension cord (we'll have some but best to be prepared).


4. Prepare NFT Token for the NFT Swag Bag


5. Share the event with your communities.


6. Claim your complementary passes.

  • All speakers will have badges pre-printed (no need to register)

  • For your other tickets use the promo code provided "VIP_xyz"


7. Make the event enjoyable for everyone. Please make the attendees feel welcome and support learning, sharing of knowledge, and collaboration.


Network: UCSFGuest

Password: no password


Sponsor Tables

The sponsor tables will be in the hallway immediately outside the mainstage and roundtable/community room (directly as you come up the steps and in the same location where the break food/drinks will be served). 


Tables will be 30" x 6'. Computer displays are more than fine. Two chairs will be provided either alongside or behind. You'll have room for a pop-up display next to your table. If you want to bring another pop-up display we can put it in the community room or elsewhere in the venue.


  • Please let us know if you need a tablecloth (otherwise we will assume you will not need one).

  • Please bring powerstrip(s) and an extension cord.

  • Do not hang or attach anything to the walls or fixtures.

  • You do not need to person the tables the whole time although we recommend being there for the breaks as you'll get full attendee traffic during these periods.


view floor plan


Shipping Information

To ship materials to the venue,  please refer the following shipping instructions.

Speaker Information

Go to the speakers page for speaker information. (

NFT Token for Swag Bag

Each token can be Redeemable or Collectible:

  1. Redeemable NFTs include an offer and a link to redeem the offer, with an optional expiry date (eg a discount on your brand's product/service and a link to claim the offer)

  2. Collectible NFTs include a description and an optional link (eg a description of your brand's products/services and a link to your website)


Link to Create Token: link


Video Call on the NFT Swag Bag


Types of Tokens

Coin NFT

  1. Coin name

  2. Front image/GIF: 800x800px recommended

  3. Back image/GIF: 800x800px recommended

  4. Coin color: eg #0197AB

  5. Text color: eg #393939







Card NFT

  1. Card name

  2. Front image/GIF: 574x800px recommended

  3. Back image/GIF: 574x800px recommended

Badge NFT

  1. Badge name

  2. Front image/GIF: 654x800px recommended

  3. Badge color: eg #0197AB








Ticket NFT

  1. Ticket name

  2. Front image/GIF: 800x800px recommended







Custom NFT

  1. NFT name

  2. Image/GIF: 800x800px recommended

  3. Background color: eg #0C1324

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